Supercomputing without Supercomputers

Enabling new frontiers in science and technology by designing new algorithmic foundations

Supported by:

Expanding the boundaries of computation

Cambridge Brain is a deep technology company that designs foundational computing architecture to enhance their efficiency (for example algorithmic architectures for optimization and learning). Our focus on designing performance improvements by one or more orders of magnitude against dominant methods.  The objective of our technology is two-fold:

  • Efficiency: to significantly reduce the number of computations required for critical applications (in optimization and learning).

  • Scale: to enable new frontiers in science and technology which are held back due to computational cost or complexity of solving larger scale problems.

We have conducted feasibility studies across multiple applications including DNA-assembly, route-optimization, scheduling, and constrained combinatorial optimisation. For more information, please contact us. 

Special call for open-discussions

We are seeking feedback from molecular engineering experts on our proposed feasibility study. This study focuses on the application of our computing engines to identify novel drug candidates in scenarios where data is too sparse to train effective ML models. This approach will compliment current AI models by addressing data-sparse structures which are currently not solvable. The goal of the feasibility study is to determine whether our solver's new abilities, which enable solving problems of orders of magnitude larger than previously possible, can unlock new capabilities in drug candidate discovery.